Feeding Families, Saving Lives

Let’s fight hunger together

Feeding Families, Saving Lives

Let’s fight hunger together

Providing Resources to
Families in Times of Need

The Place of Restoration Resource Center was incorporated on May 16, 2018, with an emphasis on the company motto, “serving the community.” What started as vision is now fully accepted by federal and state government agencies.

We are active in the community and public service, supporting other projects and organizations.


Our mission is to address poverty through solutions that end hunger and increase financial literacy within our communities.


To be a community landmark and for no man, woman, or child to perish due to a lack of food but to be given access to nutritious food to eat. Educate on health and financial literacy by making various community resources available through statewide network and approved agencies.

On Our Path to Serve the Community


  • Organizations
  • Producers
  • Private Foundations
  • United States Department of Agriculture
  • Food Retailers
  • Community Food Drives
  • Manufacturers

Placer Food Bank

  • Weigh
  • Sort
  • Pack
  • Distribute

Our Partners

  • Food Pantries
  • Rehabilitation Centers
  • Youth Programs
  • Faith-Based Groups
  • Senior Programs

People in Need

  • Working Families
  • Unemployed
  • Senior Citizens
  • Veterans With Disabilities
  • Children
  • Catastrophic Areas
  • Single Parents